Friday 2 March 2012

Center for IT Advancement

Centre for IT Advancement (CITA) was established in October 2004 at the Kulliyyah of Information and Communication Technology (KICT). Services offered by CITA are therefore further extension to the functions of the Kulliyyah; providing the complete range of educational courses in ICT, including professional certification.

CITA is a Professional Services Center delivering Business and Management Consultancy Services, Project Management Services, Executive Programs ranging from Certification to Masters Degree, Professional Certification and On-line Programs for corporate executives, professionals and students worldwide.
CITA recognizes the need for continuing education and professional development programs in IT not only for students but also corporate employees, adult professionals, and the general public. We have certified and experienced consultants and instructors, who understand these needs and could meet the demand for new skills and enhancements.

CITA offers executive Masters Programs, Postgraduate Diploma and Certification programs in Protective Security Management in collaboration with the Chief Government Security Office (CGSO) in the Prime Minister's Department in Putrajaya. CITA also will offer the Executive Masters Program in Information Technology in partnership with the IIUM Kuliyyah of ICT. The Center also offers more than 50 professional certifications ,training programmes and short courses annually.
With the strategic partnership with the Chief Government Security Office (CGSO) , CITA has jointly developed the human capital development program delivering certification programs for all security personnels throughout Malaysia.

Multimedia University First Tourism Club

MALACCA: The country's first ministry-endorsed Tourism Club will be established by the Multimedia University (MMU) at its Malacca campus to promote tourism.
Tourism Minister Datuk Seri Dr Ng Yen Yen said the 12-year-old university was an ideal choice for such a club to be initiated based on its strategic location in Malacca, which is a Unesco World Heritage Site.
Students who are taking up courses in creative multimedia and information technology at MMU could help promote tourism using the digital and multimedia platforms, she told reporters after launching the 15th Chinese New Year Extravaganza organised by MMU's Chinese Language Society in Bukit Beruang on Thursday night.
Dr Ng said the club would initially function as a source of information on the uniqueness of Malaysia's tourist attractions to the estimated 2,000 international students studying at the Malacca campus.
She also pledged RM10,000 as set-up fund for the club to implement its activities.
“The ministry will also assist the club, including training members who are keen to become part-time tour guides,” she added.
MMU president Prof Datuk Dr Muhamad Rasat Muhamad said Dr Ng's initiative was welcomed by the university.
“We have more than 70 clubs initiated by students in MMU Malacca and I am sure there will be those thrilled with the idea and have what it takes to make this club a success.
“The combination of tourism with creative multimedia is interesting and will be an eye-opener for the students,” he added.
Meanwhile, Dr Ng refuted claims that many Wanita MCA members were leaving the party.
She said such claims were not true at all and not even mentioned during the party's central committee meeting a day earlier.
“I can say confidently that no one has left Wanita MCA.”

IMU Expands Credit Transfer Option for Biomedical Science Students

International Medical University (IMU) recently provided another credit transfer
option for students who have applied for its biomedical science programme, giving
these students an exciting new option to continue their education in an overseas university.
Through this arrangement, credit transfer students from IMU will be required to complete
the first part of their studies in IMU before transferring to University of Strathclyde.
These students will receive academic credit for the subjects they have successfully
completed in IMU and use this towards the completion of their degree. The degree
will then be awarded by University of Strathclyde.

"We are pleased to be able to provide an additional credit transfer option for students
in the biomedical science programme. Providing students with this additional credit
transfer option is an affordable way for IMU students to gain access to a UK education
and towards obtaining an overseas degree," said A/Prof Chen Yu Sui, programme
coordinator of the biomedical science programme at IMU.

The University of Strathclyde was founded in 1796 and is Scotland"s third largest,
with some 14,000 students from more than 90 countries. The University is recognised
as a centre of teaching excellence in Scotland and stands among the best in the world.

A/Prof Chen Yu Sui added, "Without doubt, this arrangement would offer vast benefits
to them as it uniquely allows students to experience the learning environments
of two leading universities in Malaysia and the UK. Another benefit for the
students is the discovery and understanding of cultures from around the world
as this is a critical component for a
healthcare professional. This is certainly one of the reasons for us to continuously
look for additional transfer options for students and part of its ongoing mission to train
and promote excellence in the healthcare industry."

University of Strathclyde has been a member of IMU"s network of partner universities
for more than 10 years. Prior to this, the university has collaborative and
credit transfer arrangements with IMU for its pharmacy and psychology
programmes. With this
collaboration, University of Strathclyde will be expanding the number
of IMU
programmes that the university is having collaborative agreements.

In addition to the credit transfer option with the University of Strathclyde, students
applying for the biomedical science programme also have the opportunity to transfer
the credits that they have earned in IMU to the University of Otago in New Zealand or
University of Newcastle in Australia after successful completion of the first part of their
course in IMU. Students also have the option to complete the entire biomedical science
degree in IMU and obtain a Bachelor of Science (Hons) Biomedical Science from IMU.

KLIUC Improves Internet User Experiences with SANGFOR

Kuala Lumpur Infrastructure University College (KLIUC), the well-known Malaysia tertiary education institution, has improved the Internet accessing experiences for campus users by deploying SANGFOR's IAM solution. IAM's bandwidth management feature based on application guarantees smooth web accessing speed and provide an enjoyable Internet environment for students and staffs.

KLIUC which was established in 1998, is the focus of Kumpulan Ikram's tertiary education activities. Guided by motto of "For Knowledge, For Humanity", KLIUC aim to produce graduates with outstanding technological and management skills, possess high moral values to meet the challenges of Vision 2020 and the K-economy.

Enhanced with up-to-date academic facilities, highly qualified lecturers among whom are industry practitioners, KLIUC strives to ensure high quality education in areas of Engineering, Business and Information Technology. 3 years into the business of education, KLIUC is already recognized for its quality management system achieved through ISO 9001 :2000 certification in December 2000.

By deploying SANGFOR Internet Access Management solution, KLIUC is able to audit the the Internet flow situation through detailed reports. It is identified large amount of P2P download and on-line video stream occupying bandwidth and causing slow Internet accessing speed. Therefore, IAM performs the bandwidth limitation for P2P and on-line media, which make sure enough bandwidth for campus related applications.

RM2 Million to Boost Internet Access in UTM

Skudai, January 17th: Universiti Teknologi Malaysia will have the best wireless internet coverage among the Malaysian IPTA’s when its broadband capability increases from 167 Megabyte per second (MBPS) to 425 MBPS, the same speed now being enjoyed at the National University of Singapore (NUS).

With this capability, it will benefit all campus residents with better and faster access to information technology which is essential for their learning process.

The upgrade was announced by the Minister of Higher Education, Dato’ Seri Mohamed Khaled Nordin during the groundbreaking ceremony of UTM-MTDC Second Phase Technology Centre on January 16th, 2010 at the UTM Technovation Park.

“I would like to take this opportunity to announce that the Ministry has agreed to approve an additional funding of RM2 million to increase the capability of UTM’s broadband access.

“This upgrade is not only hoped to increase the effectiveness of staff in doing routine assignments but can alsocreate a huge impact to this university as a knowledge centre and information distributor. The new facility can also boost the working spirit of all its campus residents to be more proactive in contributing to the university and the nation,” Khaled said during his officiating speech.

Also present during the ground breaking ceremony were the Vice Chancellor, Prof. Dato’ Ir. Dr. Zaini Ujang and the CEO of Malaysian Technology Development Corporation (MTDC), Norhalim Yunus.

Zaini in his statement said that users would be able to access the internet within the whole Skudai Campus after the upgrade.

“We want the students and staff to be able to access the internet wherever they are within the campus area and be well informed,” Zaini further added.

The UTM-MTDC Second Phase Technology Centre will be built on a site of one acre piece of land comprising the development of a four-storey building block with a 40,000 square feet built-up area that includes office spaces, meeting rooms, laboratories and a cafeteria.

This centre will provide the space and opportunities for researchers and graduates to increase their entrepreneurial skills besides offering commercialisation consultation for their products.

UTHM-Pelan Tindakan Pembangunan ICT

Pelan tindakan Pembangunan ICT Universiti ini dirangka untuk menjadi asas perancangan ICT yang kukuh dala mencapai halatuju ICT yang akan dilaksanakan dalam dua fasa iaitu; Fasa I : 2001-2005 dan Fasa II : 2006-2011.

Sasaran pembangunan ICT adalah untuk menyediakan prasarana pengajaran dan pembelajaran yang kodusif serta menwujudkan urus tadbir yang berkualiti dan cekap seiring dengan halatuju universiti sebagaimana yang digariskan di dalam Blueprint Universiti. Kepercayaan dan kepuasan pelanggan diambilkira dalam menyediakan pelan tindakan ini serta cabaran-cabaran yang perlu ditangani.

Stategi yang digariskan dalam pelan tindakan adalah seperti e-Pengurusan, e-Pembelejaran, K-Universiti, infrastruktur dan komunikasi dan pembudayaan ICT.

Keseluruhan Pelan TIndakan Pembangunan ICT Universiti yang dirangka akan menjadi panduan dalam memastikan Universiti sentiasa cemerlang dan gemilang.


Menyediakan Sistem Pengurusan Kampus Bersepadu bagi menyokong pembangunan dan pentadbiran Universiti ke arah yang lebih kompetitif dengan memberikan perkhidmatan dan pengurusan ICT yang dinamik dan cemerlang serta memenuhi keperluan pelanggan.

Hala Tuju

Menyediakan prasarana ICT terkini, kondusif dan mencukupi kepada seluruh warga universiti untuk meningkatkan mutu pengajaran dan pembelajaran bagi menghasilkan graduan berkualiti, mempertingkatkan kualiti penyelidikan dan pembangunan(R&D), mempertingkatkan kualiti dan kecekapan pentadbiran serta menjadikan masyarakat UTHM sebagai satu masyarakat yang bermaklumat dan berpengetahuan untuk membolehkan mereka melaksanakan tugas dan tanggungjawab dengan cara yang paling berkesan.

UTAR Engineering Programmes Get Better

UTAR Faculty of Engineering and Science (FES) welcomed 17 professional representatives from the industry and professional bodies in engineering to the its second Industrial Advisory Panel meeting held on 9 October 2009 at UTAR Kuala Lumpur Campus in Setapak, Kuala Lumpur.
Ir. Rocky H.T. Wong, a representative from The Institution of Engineers Malaysia (IEM) who also attended the first industrial advisory panel meeting commented, "Through my observation, the engineering programmes conducted by UTAR have improved from the time my first assessment was conducted during the first industrial advisory panel meeting."
"UTAR engineering graduates have a competitive edge as they can gain ready employment upon graduation and are candidates of choice when seeking to pursue their postgraduate studies," he added.
During the meeting, FES Dean Assoc. Prof. Dr. Wang Chan Chin briefed the members of the industrial advisory panel on the developments of the University since its first meeting, covering the various programmes conducted in UTAR, the University's organisational structure, student enrolment, faculties, campuses, university achievements, research and collaboration activities as well as research centres.
Dr. Wang also introduced the panel members to UTAR's new faculty - the Faculty of Engineering and Green Technology - and informed them about the new Architecture programme that would be conducted in UTAR starting next year.
He elaborated on the quality improvement measures taken by the FES and particularly emphasised on the importance of receiving input from industry practitioners to improve the Faculty's engineering programmes.
He said, "It is good for us to receive feedback from the industry on the skills that our students should possess in order to gain employment so that we can further refine our engineering programme curriculum to cater to the industry. There may be certain types of skills and soft skills that our graduates need to possess to succeed in the industry such as interpersonal skills, knowledge in law, management, accounting and economic. To gain an understanding of the skills needed, we need to consult with industry practitioners."
In addition to that, Dr. Wang conveyed his aspiration for UTAR engineering programmes to receive international professional accreditation status so that the Faculty�s graduates would find it easier to obtain employment overseas and the Faculty would be able to attract more international students to study engineering in UTAR.
The meeting ended with a departmental group discussion based on respective fields of disciplines and a campus tour of the UTAR Kuala Lumpur Campus.
Members of the Industrial Advisory Panel meet periodically to discuss matters related to the engineering programmes of the University and offer feedback and constructive views that can help further improve the programmes.